With Primavista, financial management can efficiently and quickly respond to the diverse information needs of corporate management, as well as their data analysis and presentation requirements.
For the finance department, one of the main benefits of Primavista is the ability to largely automate the repetitive manual data collection, consolidation, and editing tasks that are currently done with Excel and other labor-intensive tools. For example, monthly reporting can be completed by the main user in just an hour instead of several days or even weeks of teamwork. When preparing budgets and forecasts, Primavista automates tasks like form compilation and data consolidation. The preparation of consolidated financial statements and interim financial statements also becomes significantly easier: the software includes built-in calculation rules for data and elimination allocation rules, as well as official printouts.
With Primavista:
With Primavista, the principle of monitoring exactly what is planned – and vice versa – is realized!
Rolling forecasts allow you to move away from the limited view of the annual budget and gain a dynamic picture of the direction of business operations. Scenarios can be used to concretize the effects of different development paths. Simulations can conveniently estimate, for example, the effects of price and volume changes on business results and its development. Thank you, I’m diving into budgeting, forecasting, and scenarios – heading here!
Primavista creates a unified tool for monitoring, enabling efficient situation analysis. Both domestic and export units can be connected to the system immediately, regardless of distance, even at the level of individual salespeople and their customers and products.
Essential benefits include the ability to examine detailed information through drill-down functionality according to both organizational and row structure, versatile data analysis and review from different perspectives, and easy report customization. Alongside the convenient reporting features, Primavista’s graphs can help visualize both short-term changes and longer-term trend directions. The dashboard provides a quick overview of a large number of cost centers, customers, and products.
Dashboards can include, for example, an income statement, graphics, and indicators. Graphic features provide a clear tool for visually reviewing actual data and plans. They can be used to observe both long-term trend directions and short-term changes. The quick graphics feature can conveniently enhance the clarity of reports.
The dashboard offers an illustrative tool for quickly reviewing the latest key actual data and their change directions. The main user defines all available indicators with their limit values and presentation methods, as well as the collections of indicators and broader reports presented as indicators. There are several different presentation types for indicators, including speedometer, traffic light, and line graph.
Primavista automates the data collection, combination, and calculation work that is very commonly done as repetitive manual work in Excel. By combining Primavista’s monitoring and planning tools, planning and monitoring become a single, coherent whole, with content and accuracy mirroring each other, significantly speeding up deviation detection and enhancing business steering opportunities.
The Budgeting tool is ideal for decentralizing the use of the system to each organizational unit – regardless of their geographical location. Often in this context, the content and accuracy of the information are extended to the level required by the operational activities of each unit. In this way, planning becomes more of an operational planning process than traditional, income statement-centered budgeting. The result is more accurate information and, consequently, better opportunities to detect deviations without delay, accelerated information flow, and transparency into operations and efficiency.
These include, for example, copying previous information as a basis for the budget, changing this information with a so-called mass factor function, dividing the entered annual value into months using alternative allocation bases, percentage changes, and, for example, distributing common cost items to desired responsibility areas with freely definable rules, i.e., rolling.
In addition to the budget, a forecast is often made, which can combine, for example, already realized numbers and budgeted numbers. Or the forecast is constantly updating, which adapts to the situation, unlike, for example, an annual budget.
Alongside forecasts, scenarios can be utilized. Whether painting the sky or projecting potential challenges, scenarios are useful for simulating various situations. Whether the simulation involves launching a new product, the impact of changes in raw material or labor prices, or the effect of business sales, we believe in the usefulness of scenarios. Best of all, scenarios are easy to create, and everyone can participate in them.
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